La Cetina
An isolated hamlet on top of the Montagnola, whose houses retain medieval elements. In the thirteenth century it belonged to the territory of Suvera, a castle near Pievescola. In Siena’s land registry of 1318 it appears among the settlements of the municipality of Pernina di Sopra. Its church, late Romanesque, is dedicated to S. Maria and attested since the fourteenth century and consists of a small building with a single nave.


Places within 3 kms. .
Where To Eat
Ficareto - Azienda Bio Agrituristica
Podere Casetta
Where To Stay
Ficareto - Azienda Bio Agrituristica
Podere Casetta
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Associazione Turistica Pro Loco Sovicille
P.I. 01281750529 / C.F. 92033570521
Via Roma, 27 53018 - Sovicille (Siena) - Italy (Mappa)
Lunedì, mercoledì, venerdì, sabato e domenica: MATTINA: DALLE 10.00 ALLE 13.00 e POMERIGGIO: DALLE 16.00 ALLE 19.00 Martedì e giovedì: MATTINA: DALLE 10.00 ALLE 13.00
Tel. +39 0577 314503, +39 0577 1523680 Cell. +39 329 1134619
Lunedì, mercoledì, venerdì, sabato e domenica: MATTINA: DALLE 10.00 ALLE 13.00 e POMERIGGIO: DALLE 16.00 ALLE 19.00 Martedì e giovedì: MATTINA: DALLE 10.00 ALLE 13.00
Website created byLorenzo Vainigli