Palazzaccio di Toiano
Palazzaccio di Toiano is mentioned since the year four hundred, but some of its structures are certainly older. It is formed by a high stone tower with a sloping base, some buildings and a lower parts of the walls that enclose a courtyard with portal. Inside the courtyard buildings have retained much of their original character, stairways, portals, arched windows and offer visitors the illusion of a journey back in time. The most extraordinary element is a large square pillar, that supports four crossed brick vaults.


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Associazione Turistica Pro Loco Sovicille
P.I. 01281750529 / C.F. 92033570521
Via Roma, 27 53018 - Sovicille (Siena) - Italy (Mappa)
Lunedì, mercoledì, venerdì, sabato e domenica: MATTINA: DALLE 10.00 ALLE 13.00 e POMERIGGIO: DALLE 16.00 ALLE 19.00 Martedì e giovedì: MATTINA: DALLE 10.00 ALLE 13.00
Tel. +39 0577 314503, +39 0577 1523680 Cell. +39 329 1134619
Lunedì, mercoledì, venerdì, sabato e domenica: MATTINA: DALLE 10.00 ALLE 13.00 e POMERIGGIO: DALLE 16.00 ALLE 19.00 Martedì e giovedì: MATTINA: DALLE 10.00 ALLE 13.00
Website created byLorenzo Vainigli